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Mission, Vision and values

Review our guiding principles and plans for strengthening the community through education and training.


Wor-Wic Community College empowers a diverse population of students to achieve success by delivering high-quality, affordable education, professional training, workforce development opportunities and comprehensive student services that strengthen economic growth and improve the quality of life on the Lower Eastern Shore.


Wor-Wic will be a dynamic leader partnering with the diverse communities of the Lower Eastern Shore to develop a world-class workforce and deliver excellence in education and training.


Accessibility is providing educational services for all members of the community regardless of geographic, physical or economic limitations.
Community is creating a sense of belonging through collaboration and cooperation among employees, students and stakeholders to meet the needs of the service area.
Diversity is embracing all people, ideas and experiences by creating an inclusive, equitable, safe and supportive environment.
Integrity is exemplifying honest and ethical behavior to ensure mutual respect, responsibility and accountability among employees, students and the community.
Innovation is adopting new and creative ideas and emerging technologies to enhance learning, services and institutional effectiveness.
Learning is focusing on student success through student-centered approaches and academic support strategies.
Excellence is expecting the highest level of performance, professionalism and standards.

Strategic Priorities

  1. Develop and implement enrollment, retention and completion strategies to support student and community needs.
  2. Nurture and actively promote diversity, equity and inclusion among students and employees.
  3. Increase student success by expanding support services, delivering relevant courses and programs, and providing flexible scheduling.
  4. Improve institutional effectiveness through a high-quality workforce and appropriate facilities, technology and financial resources.


2022-2027 Strategic Priority Teams

Priority 1 – Develop and implement enrollment, retention, and completion strategies to support student and community needs.

(team is the same as for strategic priority 3 below)

Priority 2 – Nurture and actively promote diversity, equity and inclusion among students and employees.

  • Dr. Kimberly W. Purvis, dean of student success (chair)
  • Camesha Handy, director of student engagement 
  • Anna Era, benefits coordinator
  • Kelly Carey, instructor of business
  • Robin Wright, TRIO student support services advisor
  • Karie Solembrino, dean of health professions
  • David Mongor-Lizarrabengoa, associate professor of Spanish
  • Linnie Vann, director of public safety
  • Ginny Mastro, administrative associate III, student services
  • Jae Jung, assistant professor of business and hospitality management
  • Stacey Reid, assistant director of finance

Priority 3 – Increase student success by expanding support services, delivering relevant courses and programs, and providing flexible scheduling.

  • Dr. Stacey Hall, mathematics and science department head and professor of biological science (co-chair)
  • Amanda Messatzzia, dean of enrollment management and student services (co-chair)
  • Dr. Kimberly W. Purvis, dean of student success
  • Dr. Patricia L. Riley, dean of general education
  • Ruth E. Baker, dean of continuing education and workforce development
  • Dr. Sheila Blosveren, professor of developmental English and developmental education
  • Pamela M. Jones, associate professor of developmental mathematics
  • Denean L. Jones-Ward, director of CEWD transportation, adult and community development
  • Kimi Lichty, instructional technologist
  • Dr. Karie Solembrino, dean of health professions
  • Matthew D. Geel, business and hospitality department head and associate professor of accounting
  • Paul Silberquit, dean of occupational and emerging technologies
  • Dr. William J. Bails, department head and professor physical therapist assistant program
  • Angie Hayden, director of admissions
  • Rhoda Lukens, registrar
  • Paul Fields, director of advising and Title III
  • Karen Mohler, disabilities services counselor
  • Dr. Dana Burnside, professor of communication studies
  • Rich Webster, director of early college initiatives
  • Janet Kennington, director of marketing
  • Maggie Peregrim, academic advisor
  • Chelsea Milligan, instructor of nursing

Priority 4 – Improve institutional effectiveness through a high-quality workforce and appropriate facilities, technology, and financial resources.


Facilities Priority Team

  • Greg Grey, senior director of facilities management (chair)
  • Allison M. Canada, senior director of procurement and auxiliary services
  • Deborah Casey, Ph.D., president
  • Dr. Kristin L. Mallory, vice president for academic affairs
  • Will Preneta, facilities manager
  • Jennifer Sandt, vice president for administrative services

Technology Priority Team

  • Ayman Idrees, chief information officer (chair)
  • Dr. Brian Bergen-Aurand, director of learning services
  • Kimi Lichty, instructional technologist
  • Kristina Toadvine, director of CEWD partnerships
  • Joshua Townsend, web developer
  • Jennifer Payne, director of human resources technology and talent
  • Megan H. Smith, senior director of finance
  • Katherine Abreu, director of financial aid
  • Kelly Hewett, director of enterprise applications
  • Angie Hayden, director of admissions
  • Chuck Thomas, director of information security and network infrastructure
  • Wendy Postles, instructional designer
  • Joe Roche, applied technologies department head and associate professor of trades

Human Resources Priority Team

  • Karen Berkheimer, executive director of human resources (chair)
  • Anna Era, benefits coordinator
  • Bonnie Gerrity, human resources specialist
  • Jenny Payne, director of human resources technology and talent
  • Dr. David Mongor-Lizarrabengoa, associate professor of Spanish
  • Cynthia Ross, department head and assistant professor of radiologic technology
  • Averill Anderson, information technology applications analyst
  • Malinda Davis, financial aid advisor
  • Jake Kline, research assistant
  • Stefanie K. Rider, executive director of the foundation and director of development

Strategic Plan

Our 2022-2027 strategic plan provides information about our strategic planning process and lists our strategic priorities for the current five-year period.

Facilities Master Plan

Our facilities master plan establishes a framework for the physical growth of the college over the next 10 years — and beyond. Projected enrollment growth and space needs are used to determine the future direction for the orderly expansion of the college campus.