Before you start taking college-level classes, we need to make sure you don't waste time and money in classes that you are not ready for or do not need. We do this by looking at your grades in high school or at other colleges, the courses you took, test scores on the ACT and SAT and other factors. In many cases, we also give you a free placement test.
For our English and reading placement test, we use Accuplacer, an untimed computer adaptive test, to assess students’ skills. To assess you in math, we use either Accuplacer or the ALEKS Math Placement test. Non-native speakers are assessed in reading, language use and listening. On the day of your test, you should be well-rested and familiar with the format of the tests. You should allow three hours to complete all placement tests. Please note that placement tests are only given by appointment. If you have to take a placement test, your enrollment coach will schedule the placement testing appointment for you.
Students have lots of questions about the placement test. Review our FAQs below for the answers you need.
You may be exempt from placement testing or waived from course prerequisites based upon prior learning. Transcripts, test scores and grade reports must be provided to the registrar’s office for verification and evaluation. Send all official and unofficial transcripts to
Exemptions from placement testing:
Students who register or start classes within five years after their high school graduation do not have to test if they:
Waivers for courses with applicable prerequisites:
Your enrollment coach will help you determine the need for placement testing.
Appropriate documentation should be submitted to the disability services counselor at least four weeks before the start of classes so that eligibility can be determined, and the appropriate accommodations can be made. Documentation can be an official evaluation or letter from a licensed professional that clearly states your diagnosis, or an IEP or 504 plan from your high school. The college does not evaluate, diagnose or treat disabilities. For more information, please contact Karen Mohler, disability services counselor at or 410-334-2899.
Math Placement: The ALEKS diagnostic test consists of 30 questions or less and is untimed. We suggest that you plan one to two hours of time to complete the math diagnostic test.
Math Placement: Credit students, please keep your documents with your ALEKS username and password. Visit the Math Center (BH 225) for help getting acquainted with the Prep and Learning Module. Five hours of practice can save students 14 weeks in a math class. Start in the right math class by using your FREE ALEKS Prep and Learning module.
You can retest one time following a 24-hour waiting period for all tests except Accuplacer WritePlacer essay. You must complete five hours in your personal ALEKS math study module in order to retest. Placement is based on the higher score.
Math Placement: Once you have completed the ALEKS diagnostic, you will be automatically placed into a FREE Prep and Learning module within ALEKS. The module will give you an opportunity to learn, practice and review topics based on your first diagnostic. You must spend a minimum of five hours in the learning module, reviewing math topics, before retaking ALEKS to improve your placement. Wor-Wic will use your highest score so there is no harm in retesting, and it may save you time and money by starting you in the next level math course.
Test scores are valid for two years. After two years, students must retest in subject areas for which developmental course work was indicated and for which the course work was not attempted nor completed.
A student who has started the sequence of developmental education courses can retest if their test scores are at least two years old and their last attempt at the course was at least two years ago.