Academic Support
Learn about academic support services to help you succeed in the classroom.
Whether it’s services to help you succeed in your courses, opportunities to engage in campus life outside the classroom or resources to help with your personal development, Wor-Wic has a variety of free services and resources to assist you.
Learn about academic support services to help you succeed in the classroom.
Find out about VA benefits, Military Tuition Assistance and programs to help support veterans.
Our Registrar’s Office can help you change your major, order a transcript, verify your enrollment and most importantly – apply for graduation!
We can help you choose the right career, develop your career plan and assist with your employment search.
Take our placement test, take a proctored course test or learn more about testing for GED and English for Speakers of Other Languages.
We want credits you have earned to transfer in. We want credits you earn here to transfer out. Learn how it all works and save time and money toward your degree.
Request disability accommodations and get an overview of the types of services we provide.
We have personal counseling services and community resources to help you in your life outside the classroom.
Get involved! Join a student club, participate in student government, or volunteer to work in our food pantry and community garden.
Challenge yourself academically. Become part of our General Education Honors Program.
We have technology resources and the support you need to help you succeed.
We offer affordable, high quality child care services for our students, employees and the community.
Visit our bookstore in the Hazel Center to purchase your textbooks, supplies and the latest Wor-Wic gear or make your purchase online.
You did it! Here’s everything you need to know to graduate and enjoy the big day.