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Tuition & Fees

Learn how much it will cost and how tuition and fees are calculated.

Tuition Rates for Credit Courses

Tuition is a fancy word for what your class costs. How much you pay depends on your residency – do you reside in the county, out of the county or out-of-state? – and how many credits you take. Tuition can change without prior notice, so check in here to make sure you know how much it will cost.

There may be special circumstances that reduce your tuition (dual enrollment), impact your residency (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals), change your tuition (statewide programs), grant you a tuition waiver or have some other effect on your cost.  See our Tuition Reductions and Waivers section below for more information.

Tuition rates per credit hourSummer 2025Fall 2025
Out-of-State Bordering$267$273


Fees for Credit Courses

Some fees, such as the technology and Student Government Association fee, are paid by every student and others, such as the online course fee, are only paid if you use them.  Fees can change without prior notice.

Technology Fee (per credit hour)$25
Student Services Fee (per credit hour)$2
Proficiency Examination Fee (per credit hour)$35
Other Course Fees (see course descriptions)variable

Residency Requirements

Residency is complicated. We follow the legal requirements for determining residency that are mandated by Maryland law. To find out more about how we determine your residency, learn more below.

Tuition Reductions and Waivers

The Blueprint for Maryland’s Future (2019) offers public high school students in Worcester, Wicomico or Somerset County who are deemed college and career ready by their high school the opportunity to attend Wor-Wic for free. The college will bill the student’s school district for costs associated with dual enrollment. Learn more about dual enrollment.

Students attending Holly Grove Christian School, The Salisbury School, Salisbury Christian School or Stepping Stones Learning Academy, or other private schools that have a signed dual enrollment agreement with the college, pay 75% of Wor-Wic’s regular tuition rate.

The Veterans Access, Choice and Accountability Act of 2014 as amended by the Veterans Health Care and Benefits Improvement Act of 2016 requires that public institutions of higher education charge qualifying veterans, dependents and other eligible individuals tuition and fees at the rate for in-state residents. Our in-state tuition rates vary based on county residency. Find out more about veterans eligibility requirements and additional veterans benefits.

Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals is a federal program for certain individuals that came to the United States as children.  For more information on how to obtain DACA status, please go to  DACA students are eligible for in-county tuition rates if they meet the college’s residency requirements.

The Maryland Dream Act allows certain high school graduates who are undocumented immigrants, and who meet certain requirements, the opportunity to qualify for in-state tuition rates. The Guide for Tuition Rate for Eligible Undocumented Immigrant Students explains how you qualify for in-state tuition, and there is also an affidavit that you need to complete.

If have questions, please contact Angie Hayden, director of admissions, at or at 410-572-8712.

Tuition and/or fees are waived for Maryland residents who meet the eligibility requirements for one of the following waivers:

Maryland residents who reside outside of Wicomico and Worcester Counties can enroll in one of these programs at the in-county tuition rate.

Maryland residents who reside outside of Wicomico and Worcester Counties can enroll in one of these programs at the in-county tuition rate if the program is not offered by their local community college or if the student cannot enroll due to an enrollment limit.

Victims of human trafficking residing in Maryland who have been recruited, harbored, transported, provided or obtained for labor, services or a sexual act through the use of force, fraud or coercion are eligible for in-county tuition. Victims must provide documentation to the financial aid office in the form of law enforcement, court or federal or state agency records; a letter from a human trafficking prevention or assistance program; or a letter from a religious, medical or mental health professional from whom the victim sought assistance or treatment.