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Tuition Waivers

There are several waivers that can result in you attending tuition free. Check out the eligibility requirements below.

There are waivers available for students taking credit and non-credit courses, so check with the
financial aid office for credit courses and continuing education for non-credit courses. If you are a member of the
military, national guard or are a veteran, contact the director of veterans services.


This waiver is available for Maryland residents who are retired as a result of a disability as defined
by the Social Security or Railroad Retirement Act, who enroll in any credit class that has at least 10, or is
being continued with less than 10, regularly-enrolled students.

Enrollment of more than six credits must be in a credit program of study. Continuing education courses that lead to employment, including life skills instruction, are also eligible.

The tuition waiver covers tuition charges not covered by other financial assistance (last dollar funding after any
grants and scholarships are applied). You are responsible for fees and the cost of books/supplies.

To apply:

You must complete the FAFSA and Certification for Tuition Waiver form annually.

Foster Care

Tuition and fees are waived for students who:

  • register for classes before turning 25 years old,
  • have resided in an out-of-home placement in Maryland and
  • are enrolling in a credit program of study or non-credit courses leading to licensure or certification.

To Apply:

  • Complete the FAFSA.
  • Answer yes to the foster care question on the FAFSA.
  • Contact the Foster Care and Homeless Youth Liaison, Ellie Soulis, at or 410-334-2978.

Homeless Youth

Tuition and fees are waived for credit and non-credit students who:

  • register for classes before turning 25 years old;
  • have had a consistent presence in the state for at least one year before enrollment in a public institution of
    higher education that is documented by school, employment or other records;
  • have been verified as a homeless child or youth, as defined by the federal McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance
    Act, at any time during the 24 months immediately preceding the student’s enrollment in a public institution of
    higher education or while the student is enrolled in a public institution of higher education; and
  • enroll in a credit program of study or in non-credit courses that lead licensure or certification.

To Apply:

  • Complete the FAFSA.
  • Answer yes to one of the unaccompanied homeless youth questions on the FAFSA.
  • Contact the Foster Care and Homeless Youth Liaison, Ellie Soulis, at or 410-334-2978.

Maryland National Guard

Members of the Maryland National Guard who have two or more years of service remaining are eligible for a 50% tuition

To apply:

Documentation for a Maryland National Guard waiver must be presented to the director of veterans services each term.

National Guard members may also be eligible for the Chapter 1606 Montgomery Selected Reserve GI-Bill®.

Senior Citizens

Tuition is waived for Maryland residents who are 60 years old or older on a space-available basis.

Prior to the first credit class session, you must submit a Senior Citizen
Tuition Waiver Form
 and provide proof that your 60th birthday has occurred. Non-credit students do
not need to submit a tuition waiver form, but must turn 60 years old prior to registering for classes.

You are responsible for fees and the cost of books/supplies.