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New One-Day Effective Delegating Seminar to be Held Oct. 6

Managers can learn how to assign tasks appropriately and effectively, and use communication and feedback techniques for better results, by taking “The Art of Delegating Effectively.”

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Scrabble Tournament to be Held Sept. 10

A scrabble tournament will be held on Friday, Sept. 10, at 6:30 p.m., in the Student Center at Wor-Wic Community College on the corner of Route 50 and Walston Switch Road in Salisbury.

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One-day Employee Motivation Seminar to be Held Sept. 30

Learn how to inspire your staff to greater productivity and efficiency by taking “Motivating Employees,” a one-day seminar being offered by the continuing education division at Wor-Wic Community College on Thursday, Sept. 30, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., at the college campus on the corner of Route 50 and Walston Switch Road in Salisbury.

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New Computer Protection Course Begins Sept. 30

Learn how to diagnose computer problems, remove viruses, malware and spyware, increase performance and protect financial records by taking “PC Tips and Tricks: Speed Up, Clean Up and Protect Your Computer.”

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Bread Baking Course Begins Sept. 28

Learn to make specialty and traditional breads, including sourdough, challah, foccacia and pita, by taking “Breads! Breads! Breads!.”

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New Facebook Networking Course Begins Sept. 28

Learn how to set up or update a Facebook account, create a profile, upload pictures and connect with contacts by taking “Getting Started with Facebook.”

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Registrations Still Being Accepted

Registrations are still being accepted for credit classes that are being offered this fall at Wor-Wic Community College.

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New Modern Orchestra Instruments Course Begins Sept. 24

Learn about the history, design, use, tone color and limitations of traditional orchestral instruments by taking “The Evolution of the Modern Orchestra and Its Instruments.”

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New One-Day Customer Service Seminar to be Held Sept. 24

Learn how to work positively with difficult customers or employees by taking “Dealing with Difficult People.”

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New One-Day Negotiation Course to be Held Sept. 24

Learn how to develop a negotiation strategy, analyze proposals and determine the right time to bid on materials by taking “Negotiating Successfully.”

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