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Clubs & Organizations

Whether your interest is academic, athletic, service or social we have a club for you!

Getting involved at college is a great way to explore your interests, network, test your leadership potential, and build a resume towards your employment goals. Wor-Wic’s vibrant campus life revolves around all of its clubs, organizations and student activities.

Some of our clubs are strictly for fun, while others were established to make a difference on our campus and in the local community. We’re certain that you will find a group perfect for you, and if nothing peaks your interest—start your own!


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Criminal Justice Club

The criminal justice club provides students with information about different career choices in criminal justice, opportunities to network with students and professionals employed in the field and with opportunities for members to discuss issues and current events directly related to criminal justice. Membership is open to all credit students at the college.

Advisor: Vacant

Future Educators of America (FEA)

The FEA club promotes student awareness of the field of education and the development of future teachers. Membership is open to all students.

Advisor: Kari Schamberger

Nursing Student Organization (NSO)

Membership in the nursing student organization is open to all students who are enrolled in the nursing program. Pre-nursing students can attend meetings as non-voting members.

Advisors: Dr. Brenda J. Mister, Stephanie Gamm and Dr. Pamela G. Budd

Occupational Therapist Assistant (OTA) Club

The purpose of the occupational therapist assistant club is to increase campus and community awareness of the occupational therapy profession and to provide academic enrichment and social opportunities to club members. The club also exists to educate the campus and local community of occupational resources and to promote the art of occupational therapy. Membership is open to all students in the occupational therapy assistant program.

Advisors: Stuart Gibbs and Dr. Dawnn Thomas

Physical Therapist Assistant Student Organization

This organization was formed to promote personal and professional growth and lifelong learning of club members, and to inform and educate the campus and local community about physical therapy. Membership is open to all students enrolled in this program.

Advisor: Dr. Tiffany Kotra-Loos

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Alpha Beta Gamma (ABG): Delta Gamma 

Founded in 1970, Alpha Beta Gamma is the national honor society for students enrolled in Business and Professional curricula at two-year degree-granting institutions. The Delta Gamma Chapter of Alpha Beta Gamma National Honor Society is open to students meeting the following criteria: a 3.0 GPA, 12 earned credits and following a course of study leading to a business-oriented career. ABG was established to foster excellence, leadership training, and an intellectual climate for sharing ideas and ideals. Members are eligible to enter national essay competitions, attend the national leadership conference, and apply for scholarship opportunities.

Advisor: Dr. Tracie Brady

Eta Sigma Delta

Wor-Wic’s Eta Sigma Delta chapter of the international hospitality management honor society recognizes the scholastic and professional achievements of students and alumni in hospitality, tourism and culinary arts. Membership is open to currently-enrolled hospitality management majors with a 3.0 grade point average who meet eligibility criteria for induction into the organization.

Advisor: Dr. Jae Jung

Phi Theta Kappa (PTK): Alpha Nu Omicron

Membership in Wor-Wic’s Alpha Nu Omicron chapter of Phi Theta Kappa is open to all students working toward an associate degree who accumulate at least 12 credit hours in courses at the 100 level or above and achieve a minimum grade point average of 3.5. Phi Theta Kappa is an international honor society for two-year college students.

Advisors: Dr. Dana Burnside and Dr. Pam Budd

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Echoes & Visions Editorial Board

The Echoes & Visions Editorial Board provides an opportunity for students to learn how to curate submissions, sequence, layout, edit and promote a student literary journal. This club produces Echoes & Visions, the college’s nationally award-winning literary journal. Membership is open to all students, alumni and employees.

Advisor: Dr. Lawrence Blasco

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Student United Way

Wor-Wic’s Student United Way serves the local community by advocating, volunteering and giving in the areas of education, income and health. The club helps members grow as leaders, connect to the community and build lasting relationships among members and with the United Way movement. Membership is open to all students, alumni and employees.


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Black Student Association (BSA)

The Black Student Association provides a support network for the black community at Wor-Wic and provides cultural enrichment and awareness to the campus and the community at large.. Membership is open to all students and employees interested in actively working to make a change for unity by encouraging the principles of scholarship, leadership and the uplifting of the culture.

Advisors: Camesha Handy, Paul Fields and Parshall Shockley

Chess Club

The Chess Club provides an opportunity to learn and participate in the game of chess, while also allowing participants to develop and improve critical thinking, problem-solving, tactical and strategic planning skills. Tournaments will be planned and held each term. Membership is open to everyone.

Advisor: Dr. Rhonda W. Banks

Garden Club

The Garden Club provides an opportunity for students interested in gardening to become involved in sustaining Wor-Wic’s community garden. Membership is open to all students with a declared major, as well as college employees.

Advisor: Dan Pavese

Gender and Sexualities Alliance

The Gender and Sexualities Alliance promotes a positive and inclusive atmosphere for all people, raises awareness of the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender culture and encourages individuality, growth and understanding within the college community. Membership is open to all students, alumni and employees.

Advisor: Kelly Carey

Japanese Culture Club

The purpose of the Japanese Culture Club is to provide a social forum for fans of anime, manga, and East Asian culture, as well as grant opportunities for new friendships to blossom. Membership is open to Wor-Wic students, alumni and employees.

Advisor: Vacant

Parents Club

The Parents Club provides opportunities for parents to discuss parenting issues, share parenting tips and engage each other in the joys and struggles of parenthood. Membership is open to all students and employees.

Advisors: Amy O’Neal Self and Dr. Tiffany Kotra-Loos

The Gaming Association

The purpose of The Gaming Association is to establish an environment in which everyone can feel welcome and be leaders while engaging in many different types of gaming. The club promotes education, self-growth and skill development through gaming in order to increase creativity, enhance literacy through collaborative storytelling and provide a healthy atmosphere for role- playing. Membership is open to students, alumni and employees interested in participating in role-playing and games.

Advisor: Jon Fish

Esports Club

The Esports Club offers students a dynamic platform to engage in competitive gaming. The club provides a space for students to connect and showcase their gaming abilities. By cultivating an enjoyable and social atmosphere for those passionate about the world of esports, the club fosters an engaging environment for students interested in competitive gaming, complete with access to a well-equipped gaming room featuring modern consoles and accessories.

Advisors: Kelly Carey and Jimi Close

The Healthy Minds Collective

The Healthy Minds Collective is a student club designed to raise awareness of assorted mental health and substance misuse topics, educate about healthy self-care strategies, decrease stigma and encourage a culture of inclusion on campus.

Advisors: Dr. Ryan Messatzzia and Penny Walters

The Pineapple Club

The pineapple club prepares students for careers in the hospitality industry through networking and educational seminars, enhancing students’ knowledge and opening up social opportunities. Membership is open to all credit students in the hospitality management program.

Advisor: Vacant

Veterans-Military Association

The Wor-Wic Veteran-Military Association (WWVMA) supports students who have served in the military or those who are currently serving in the military. Students who have served any length of time in the U.S. Armed Forces and those now serving in the military are included in membership.

Advisor: Jason M. King

Wor-Wic Christian Community

The Wor-Wic Christian Community provides regular opportunities to discuss the Bible and to worship and pray in a group setting, providing opportunities for fellowship, outreach and spiritual development among members. Membership is open to all students and employees.

Advisor: Parshall Shockley