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Crime Prevention

Measures to prevent emergencies from occurring.

See Something, Say Something!

iPhone UTIPS Report suspicious behaviors or activities, such as vandalism, theft, substance abuse or other suspected crimes, by sending a confidential text message to the college's public safety department. Provide the date, time, location and description of the incident.

Text: 50911

Begin message with: UTIPS

Safety Tips

  • Ride or drive to school with a friend whenever possible. It's always safer to travel with at least one other person.
  • Always roll up your car windows and lock your doors. Never leave the car running unattended – even for a minute!
  • Carry as few valuables in your car as possible. Keep electronic items and packages out of sight. Lock all your valuables in the trunk or put them under the seat before you get where you're going.
  • Park in well-lit and well-traveled areas. Be aware of your surroundings. For example, when parking your car, look around before you turn off your engine. Be mindful of anyone or anything that looks suspicious. If things don't seem right, leave and park somewhere else.
  • As you enter a building, become aware of the location of the nearest telephone. If you find yourself in an emergency situation, call 911.
  • When leaving class, don't leave the building alone. Always try to walk to your car in a group with other students or faculty members.
  • Get your keys out and have them ready to unlock your car door before you leave the building. Check the interior of your car before you get in – even if the doors are locked. If you see someone suspicious loitering around your car or if it looks as if your car may have been tampered with, go back into the building and get help.

Security Cameras

Wor-Wic Community College is protected by surveillance. Unauthorized entry after operating hours is prohibited.

Blue Light Emergency Phones

Blue Light Emergency Phones"Blue Light" – Emergency phones are placed in nine strategic locations throughout campus to use in case of an emergency. The line will be a direct line of communication with the Public Safety Officers.