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Each of us is responsible for keeping Wor-Wic safe. The CARE Team is here to help.

CARE Team’s Role & Your Role

Each of us is responsible for keeping Wor-Wic Community College a safe community. To help with this effort, familiarize yourself with our Coordination, Assessment, Response and Education (CARE) Team.

The CARE Team implements timely threat assessments and early interventions so that our safety is assured.


The CARE Team does not replace emergency services. In an emergency, call 911 and contact Public Safety at 410-334-2937.


The CARE Team investigates four categories of behavior based on your referral:

  • Psychological Cases
    • Anxiety, Depression, Psychosis
  • Minor Conduct Cases
    • Vandalism, Classroom Behavior, Disruptive Activity
  • Major Conduct/Law Enforcement Cases
    • Sexual Assault, Threatening Behavior
  • Alcohol & Drug Cases
    • Situations Involving the Use/Abuse of Drugs/Alcohol

You can find additional examples in the checklist on the form below, and any behavior that seems troubling to you should be reported.

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The nature of the behavior, the severity of the risk and the needs of those involved dictate the CARE team’s response. Following this assessment, the CARE team recommends one of the following:

  • No further action is needed
  • Additional information is needed to evaluate the threat based on the behavioral assessment tool
  • Referral to mental health services
  • Referral to the legal system to initiate appropriate criminal proceedings
  • Referral to code of conduct
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The CARE team provides information related to which behaviors, statements, or concerns should be referred to the team. This includes a list of observable behaviors or other indicators that demonstrate an individual may need a referral.

Emotional Indicators

  • Direct statements of distress, family problems or other difficulties
  • Unprovoked anger or hostility
  • Exaggerated personality traits: more withdrawn or more animated than usual
  • Expressions of concern about a student by his/her peers
  • A hunch or gut-level reaction that something is wrong

Physical Indicators

  • Deterioration of physical appearance
  • Lack of personal hygiene
  • Excessive fatigue
  • Visible changes in weight
  • Bleary-eyed, hung over or smelling of alcohol

Safety Risk Indicators

  • Any written note or verbal statement which has a sense of finality or a suicidal indicator
  • Essays/papers which focus on despair, suicide or death
  • Statements to the effect that the student is “going away for a long time”
  • Giving away of prized possessions
  • Self-injuries or self-destructive behaviors
  • Severe depression
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  • Complete the referral form found below
  • CARE team is automatically notified
  • CARE team conducts an assessment
  • CARE team develops a response plan
  • Note: You will not always be notified of any steps taken.