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Research Databases

Research Databases available 24/7 from on and off campus.

Research Databases by Subject

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Social Sciences (Psychology/Sociology)
  • Academic Search Premier — Periodical articles for research in all academic disciplines. For peer reviewed, select "Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) Journals" on basic search screen.
  • BASE (Bielefeld Academic Search Engine) — Search engine for open access academic web resources, journal articles, digital collections, images/videos or research data.
  • Credo Reference — Credo’s Academic Core Collection provides full-text background information covering over 80 major subject disciplines and more than 6 million research concepts from encyclopedias, handbooks, guides, companions, and readers. Credo also provides access to more than 1,000 videos and animations, as well as 500,000 contextual visual aids, images, photographs and maps.
  • Criminal Justice Database — Articles from U.S. and international criminal justice journals. Options for limiting to peer reviewed and scholarly journals are on the basic search screen.
  • Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) — Open access articles from peer-reviewed journals in science, technology, medicine, social science, and humanities.
  • Evidence-Based Practices Resource Center (HHS/SAMHSA) — An open access collection from the Evidence-Based Practices Resource Center and the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) containing scientifically-based resources for Treatment Improvement Protocols, toolkits, resource guides, clinical practice guidelines, and other science-based resources
  • Films on Demand — Streaming video collections offering curriculum-focused content in humanities & social sciences; business & economics; science & mathematics; health & medicine; technical education; family & consumer sciences; careers & job search; guidance & counseling. Thousands of full-length programs and video segments with new titles added monthly.
  • Gale Academic OneFile — Articles from periodicals and reference sources in all academic disciplines. For peer reviewed, select “to peer-reviewed publications.”
  • Gale OneFile: Diversity Studies — A multi-media collection containing over 2.7 million articles from 150 journals on cultural differences, contributions, and influences in Gender & Women Studies, Black History, African American History, Sociology, Western Civilization, Politics, and Anthropology.
  • Gale OneFile: Opposing Viewpoints — Topic overviews and articles on social issues and current event topics, including statistics, government data, primary documents, legislation, and more.
  • Gale OneFile: Psychology — Includes over 4.1 million authoritative periodical articles supporting research in abnormal, biological, cognitive, comparative, developmental, personality, quantitative, social and all areas of applied psychology. Researchers, psychologists, counselors, and behavioral scientists will discover relevant information from the thoughts, views, discoveries, and reports found in this comprehensive collection.
  • Google Scholar — Open access scholarly literature, articles, journals and conference papers, theses and dissertations, academic books, pre-prints, abstracts, technical reports, court opinions and patents. All broad areas of research, from a wide variety of academic publishers, professional societies, university repositories, and websites.
  • Heliyon — Open access online journal research articles in life, physical, social, and medical sciences.
  • JSTOR (also OER from JSTOR's Open Content) — Archives of core journals in the Arts & Sciences I collection (economics, history, political science, sociology) and the Arts & Sciences III collection (languages and literature, music, folklore, religion, and the history and study of art and architecture); does not contain content from the past 3-5 years. Includes multidisciplinary book and journal open access content from JSTOR's Open Content.
  • LibriVox (Audio books) — Download open access audiobooks in a wide range of genres and subjects.
  • MDPI — Open access peer-reviewed journals in health, sciences, technology, math, engineering, arts, and business.
  • OMICS Open Access Journals — Open access peer reviewed scientific journals - medical, clinical, pharmaceutical, engineering, technology and management including conferences, symposiums, and workshops.
  • Points of View Reference Center — Overviews and arguments presenting multiple sides of current issues; includes essays, articles from magazines and newspapers, radio and TV news manuscripts, primary source documents, reference books, and images.
  • Project MUSE — Open access academic books and journals in health, history, art history, humanities, literature, culture and diversity, education, music, math, philosophy, sciences, and technology.
  • ProQuest Central — Periodical articles from 39 specialized databases in all major subject areas, including thousands of newspapers from around the world. Options for limiting to peer reviewed and scholarly journals are on the basic search screen.
  • Psychology Database — Articles from psychology journals and related publications. Options for limiting to peer reviewed and scholarly journals are on the basic search screen.
  • Collection — Customized streaming video collection of training videos for counseling and psychotherapy; also includes some social work titles.
  • Research Library — Articles from periodicals in a wide range of academic subjects. Options for limiting to peer reviewed and scholarly journals are on the basic search screen.
  • Social Science Database — Articles from periodicals covering the social sciences. Options for limiting to peer reviewed and scholarly journals are on the basic search screen.
  • Sociology Database — Articles from sociology and social work journals, including social psychology, substance abuse and addiction, and more. Options for limiting to peer reviewed and scholarly journals are on basic search screen.