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Research Databases

Research Databases available 24/7 from on and off campus.

Research Databases by Subject

Browse the databases listed below or go back to subjects.

  • Credo Reference — Credo’s Academic Core Collection provides full-text background information covering over 80 major subject disciplines and more than 6 million research concepts from encyclopedias, handbooks, guides, companions, and readers. Credo also provides access to more than 1,000 videos and animations, as well as 500,000 contextual visual aids, images, photographs and maps.
  • Gale OneFile: Environmental Studies — Includes more than 5.4 million articles from more than 300 journals and book reference content from Delmar, including Soil, Science, and Management; Introduction to Agronomy; Food, Crops, & Environment; Fundamental Soil Science; and more.
  • Gale OneFile: Opposing Viewpoints — Topic overviews and articles on social issues and current event topics, including statistics, government data, primary documents, legislation, and more.
  • Points of View Reference Center — Overviews and arguments presenting multiple sides of current issues; includes essays, articles from magazines and newspapers, radio and TV news manuscripts, primary source documents, reference books, and images.