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Fire Science Technology

Step up the career ladder with a degree in a field that really sizzles. We can help you get a job in fire and rescue or help you get promoted in your firefighting career.


Median Hourly Earnings

347 Annual job openings projected through 2028
All wage and employment data is specific to the region and
taken from Lightcast July 2024. Your starting salary may vary.

The fire science degree is offered with our partner, the Maryland Fire and Rescue Institute (MFRI), the leading training system for all hazard response. Combined with other general education and emergency medical services course completion, the fire science technology degree will increase students’ abilities to be promoted in the emergency services field or get hired in the fire service.
This program will allow fire and/or rescue personnel to earn college credit for prior learning from completed fire service training. By earning the A.A.S, local fire fighters will have a path toward promotion at their current jobs. This program also provides a path for students who are in the high school CTE programs.
Job opportunities include positions as firefighters, fire officers, fire prevention officers, code enforcement officers, fire rangers, and crash and rescue technicians.

Degree Program

  • Fire Science Technology, A.A.S. Offered in partnership with the Maryland Fire and Rescue Institute, this degree prepares you to gain employment in the fire service or get promoted in the emergency services field.
Credit for current firefighting certification

Students entering the college with current fire and rescue certifications can earn college credit for related courses with the appropriate documentation. Students with these certificates who are requesting college credit must complete and submit a Request for College Credit for Fire Service Training form to admissions.

To receive credit for fire service training, students must transfer all Maryland Fire and Rescue Institute (MFRI) courses required for the fire science degree listed in the college catalog linked above. Students will receive 20 articulated credits for successful completion of MFRI courses. MFRI courses are transferred collectively and not individually by course.