The college is gathering information to better understand Wor-Wic’s current and future operating context.
We will collect data from a wide group of stakeholders through the use of an online survey and other means. All responses are confidential and will only be used in the aggregate. Focus groups will allow for further exploration of key themes and topics that emerge from the survey results.
From those activities, a comprehensive report highlighting trends and key environmental factors will inform the college as we prepare for the strategic planning process.
Participants will be a wide cross-section of college stakeholders, including, but not limited to, students, alumni, staff, faculty, administration, board of trustees, employers and industry representatives, community representatives, elected officials and educational partners.
View a graphical representation of the process and timeline.
Participate in our survey to help guide the future of your community college:
An environmental scan is a process of gathering, analyzing and interpreting external data and trends that can impact an organization.
It allows an organization to gather data and information from diverse perspectives and sources, giving a broader view of the operating environment. It helps an organization to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats and trends in the operating environment to allow the organization to proactively plan and adapt.
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Stakeholders are persons, groups or organizations with a vested interest, or stake, in the activities and decision-making of an organization. Stakeholders of Wor-Wic include but are not limited to: current and former students, staff, faculty, administration, trustee and foundation board members, area employers and industry representatives, elected officials, community partners, preK-12 education systems and the regional post-secondary education system.
Primary and secondary data are collected and analyzed to support the environmental scan. Data will be collected from stakeholders in the form of an online survey and through feedback on the draft report. A variety of indicators will be collected from various on-campus offices along with secondary community, economic and workforce data for the region from reliable public sources.
A comprehensive understanding of the external environment and forces that are likely to impact Wor-Wic now and into the future.
It provides evidence-based insights that guide strategic decision-making — including priority setting, goal identification and action plan development.
While the environmental scan can provide insights into trends that are likely to impact the future and help Wor-Wic anticipate and prepare for possible scenarios, it cannot predict the future with certainty.
Our 2022-2027 strategic plan provides information about our strategic planning process and lists our strategic priorities for the current five-year period.
The current strategic priorities are as follows:
Our facilities master plan establishes a framework for the physical growth of the college over the next 10 years — and beyond. Projected enrollment growth and space needs are used to determine the future direction for the orderly expansion of the college campus.