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News Release

Wor-Wic nursing students take part in pinning ceremony

Associate degree in nursing graduates of Wor-Wic Community College who participated in a recent awards and recognition ceremony are shown in a group photo.

Chelsea Milligan, instructor of nursing at Wor-Wic Community College, bestows a nursing pin on graduate Angelique Bonner.

Nursing student Kayla Haney delivers the student speech before the Wor-Wic Community College nurse pinning ceremony.

Pam Budd
Dr. Pamela G. Budd, associate professor of nursing, delivers the keynote speech at the Wor-Wic Community College nursing awards and recognition ceremony.

Forty-eight Wor-Wic Community College associate degree in nursing (ADN) graduates recently participated in an awards and recognition ceremony.

The nurse pinning ceremony, modeled after a tradition started by Florence Nightingale in the 1860s, initiates nurse graduates into the profession. Wor-Wic’s most recent pinning for ADN students took place at Parkside High School in Salisbury. The event this year featured a keynote address by Dr. Pamela G. Budd, associate professor of nursing.

Special awards were presented by Dr. Brenda J. Mister, department head and professor of nursing, and Chelsea Milligan, instructor of nursing. Kayla Haney was the student speaker.


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