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Wor-Wic recently adopted a new comprehensive facilities master plan that establishes a framework for the physical growth of the campus over the next 10 years and beyond.

“I am very excited about this master plan,” said Dr. Ray Hoy, president of Wor-Wic. “We take our commitment to train the workforce of today and tomorrow seriously and this plan will help us continue to address the educational and training needs of our businesses and citizens in the region.”

Wor-Wic has the least amount of net assignable square feet (NASF) per student of the 16 community colleges in Maryland. Nine existing buildings, totaling 301,422 gross square feet (GSF) that contain 162,741 NASF, while regularly updated and reconfigured as funding permits, are not sufficient to accommodate current needs, let alone future projected growth through the next decade. The Maryland Higher Education Commission projected Wor-Wic’s overall space deficit in 2027 as 96,635 NASF, or approximately three buildings the size of Henson Hall.

Several short-term (through 2024) capital projects have been identified through the master planning process:

Applied Technology Center and Related Roadway Improvements

A new applied technology center of about 40,000 gross square feet will support credit programs in the college’s occupational education division, with an emphasis on applied and emerging technologies such as industrial technology, supply chain management and alternative energy, as well as current and additional continuing education and workforce development courses in the areas of transportation and industrial trades.

This building will also include a makerspace multipurpose laboratory where students and community members can gather to create, invent and learn. Several specialized industrial laboratories, a computer laboratory, classrooms, student study spaces, a conference room and offices to accommodate credit and non-credit employees to support these programs will also be housed in this proposed building.

Enhancement to the campus entrance road that will be impacted by the proposed location for the applied technology building will be included with this project. These improvements will improve traffic and pedestrian safety, reduce congestion and better integrate access to and egress from the campus.

Learning Commons

This new building, also estimated to be about 40,000 gross square feet, is envisioned as a true learning center to supplement the learning experiences in the college’s classrooms and laboratories, while encouraging group study and collaboration. Existing resource centers will be centralized into this new building by relocating the largest center on campus from Brunkhorst Hall and eliminating the smaller centers in other buildings. Several student support services and offices for student services employees will relocate from Brunkhorst Hall to this proposed new building.

Gateway Signage and Landscaping

A new gateway sign on the corner of Route 50 and Walston Switch Road will replace the current message board and the open grassy area created by the installation of 270 geothermal wells will be filled with native meadow plantings.

Front Parking Lot

This project will reconfigure and expand the parking lot in front of Brunkhorst Hall and corresponding access and egress, and provide more visitor and handicapped parking at the main entrance to the college. The lot will facilitate more intuitive wayfinding for visitors while opening the view to Brunkhorst Hall, the recognized identity for the campus.