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Twenty-two law enforcement officers from Wicomico, Worcester, Dorchester, Talbot, Caroline, Kent, Queen Anne’s and Cecil counties graduated in the 78th entrance-level class of the Eastern Shore Criminal Justice Academy (ESCJA) operated by Wor-Wic Community College at the corner of Route 50 and Walston Switch Road in Salisbury.

Graduation exercises, which were held in Guerrieri Hall at the college campus, featured a commencement address by Dr. Stephen L. Capelli, senior vice president for academic affairs at Wor-Wic.

John C. Moses, director of criminal justice at Wor-Wic, and Donald L. Rollyson Jr., assistant director of the ESCJA, presided at the ceremony. Awards of certification and excellence were presented by agency representatives along with Michael A. Pristoop, director of policy at the Maryland Police and Correctional Training Commissions in Woodstock, Md. Deputy Peter Sackrider of the Queen Anne’s County Sheriff’s Office was the class speaker. Closing remarks were made by Pristoop.

In addition to Sackrider, graduates included David J. Brown of the Delmar Police Department, John R. Adkins and Jeffrey E. Edwards of the Salisbury Police Department, Jason M. Burns of the Ocean Pines Police Department, Christopher A. Vieira of the Worcester County Fire Marshal’s Office, Mark W. Cutter, Connor J. Finch, Yovanny M. Ramirez Perez and Tyler L. Sheffy of the Ocean City Police Department, Ryan A. Baughman of the Caroline County Sheriff’s Department, Norman F. Sova and Emily A. Walter of the Easton Police Department, Yannick Y. Adjei, Zachary M. Douglas, David C. Mills and Logan W. Rippons of the Cambridge Police Department, Jakob R. Brown of the Elkton Police Department, Mark D. Hopkins of the Federalsburg Police Department, Parker L. Hudson and Samuel L. Manning of the Kent County Sheriff’s Office and Christopher A. Carnaggio of the Queen Anne’s County Sheriff’s Office.

Wicomico Graduates.

Wicomico County law enforcement officers who graduated in the 78th entrance-level law enforcement class of the Eastern Shore Criminal Justice Academy operated by Wor-Wic Community College in Salisbury are shown, from left, David J. Brown of the Delmar Police Department, and John R. Adkins and Jeffrey E. Edwards of the Salisbury Police Department.

Worcester Graduates.

Worcester County law enforcement officers who graduated in the 78th entrance-level law enforcement class of the Eastern Shore Criminal Justice Academy operated by Wor-Wic Community College in Salisbury are shown in the front row, from left, Jason M. Burns of the Ocean Pines Police Department and Christopher A. Vieira of the Worcester County Fire Marshal’s Office. In the back, from left, are Mark W. Cutter, Connor J. Finch, Yovanny M. Ramirez Perez and Tyler L. Sheffy of the Ocean City Police Department.

Upper Shore Graduates.

Graduates from the Upper Shore who were part of the 78th entrance-level law enforcement class of the Eastern Shore Criminal Justice Academy operated by Wor-Wic Community College in Salisbury are shown in the front row, from left, Ryan A. Baughman of the Caroline County Sheriff’s Department, and Norman F. Sova and Emily A. Walter of the Easton Police Department. In the second row, from left, are Yannick Y. Adjei, Zachary M. Douglas, David C. Mills and Logan W. Rippons of the Cambridge Police Department. In the third row, from left, are Jakob R. Brown of the Elkton Police Department, Mark D. Hopkins of the Federalsburg Police Department, Parker L. Hudson and Samuel L. Manning of the Kent County Sheriff’s Office, and Christopher A. Carnaggio and Peter Sackrider of the Queen Anne’s County Sheriff’s Office.