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News Release

Wor-Wic bids farewell to employees

Retiring Employees.

Wor-Wic Community College recently held a reception for employees who retired after many years of dedicated service to the college. Dr. Ray Hoy, in the back row at far left, president of Wor-Wic, is shown with this year’s retirees, from left, next to Hoy, William E. Widdows, public safety supervisor, who was with Wor-Wic for 15 years, and Stanley Baker, mail clerk, who was with Wor-Wic for six years. In the front row, from left, are James Kelley, assistant professor of computer studies, who was with Wor-Wic for 18 years, Fredricka B. Harrington, associate professor of computer studies and office technology, who taught at the college for 26 years, and B.J. Zonko, administrative associate III in continuing education and workforce development, who was with Wor-Wic for 17 years. Not pictured are Dr. Judith M. Ferrand, professor of English and speech, who was given the honorary title of professor emeritus by the college’s board of trustees in tribute to her 25 years of service, and Gladys Lovely, building attendant, who was with the college for nine years.

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