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Dr. Jenny L. McFadden

Associate Professor of Developmental English


B.A., Flagler College
M.A., Salisbury University
Ed.D., Salisbury University

Work Experience

Associate Professor of Developmental English, Wor-Wic Community College, August 2022–Present.

Assistant Professor of Developmental English, Wor-Wic Community College, August 2019–August 2022.

Instructor of Developmental English, Wor-Wic Community College, August 2016–August 2019.

Literacy Studies Graduate Assistant (Research & Teaching), Salisbury University, August 2014–May 2016.

English Language Arts Teacher, Millsboro Middle School, August 2011–June 2014.

Secondary English Teacher, Delmar High School, August 2007–June 2011.

Secondary English Teacher, Laurel High School, October 2006–June 2007.

English Teaching Assistant, Salisbury University, August 2004–May 2006.


Diversity Committee, 2022–Present
Institutional Review Board, 2020–Present.
Developmental Education Committee, 2016–Present.
Academic Standards Committee, 2018–2021.
Student-Faculty Disciplinary Committee, 2018–2020.
Bylaws Committee, 2016–2019.

Community Service

Community of Joy Church of the Brethren “Team Joy” Member, 2023-Present

Community of Joy Church of the Brethren “Team Joy” Leader, 2023-2024

Camden Community Garden Volunteer, 2022-Present.

Guest Services Greeting Team, Oak Ridge Baptist Church, 2011–2019.

Childcare Ministry, Oak Ridge Baptist Church, 2008-2011.


2018 Emerging Scholar Award, Common Ground Research Network

2018 Doctoral Student Travel Grant, Salisbury University

2017 Doctoral Student Travel Grant, Salisbury University

2015 National Writing Project 2015-2016 SEED Grant, $20,000, for Teacher Leadership Development (co-authored with Nancy Michelson)

2015 Salisbury University Research And Presentation Grant, $500, for “Preparing Aspiring Teachers to Hypothesize Ways to Assist Young Students (PATHWAYS)”

2014 Salisbury University Research And Presentation Grant, $500, for “Common Core and the Creative Writer”

2014 Salisbury University’s December Graduate Student of the Month Award

2000–2004 Coca-Cola First Generation Scholar


McFadden, Jenny. 2021. “Responding to a Plea for Identity and Criticality: Applying an Equity Lens to Focus Instruction.” Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy, 65(3) ,1– 6.

McFadden, Jenny. 2019. “Negotiating Multiple Identities: Three Multiracial Community College Students Write about Race.” The International Journal of Diverse Identities 19(1): 15-32. doi:10.18848/2327-7866/CGP/v19i01/15-32.

Andes, Laurie, and McFadden, Jenny. 2017. “Early Literacy Texts: What Can They Tell Us?.” The International Journal of the Book. 15(2): 1-11. doi:10.18848/1447-9516/CGP/v15i02/1-11.

Groth, Randall E., and McFadden, Jenny. 2016. “Identity Development During Undergraduate Research in Mathematics Education.” International Electronic Journal of Mathematics Education, 11(2), 357-375.


Cardona, D (Host). (2024, February 1). Exploring Effective Strategies in College Teaching with Jenny McFadden. [Audio podcast episode]. In UMBC Mic’d Up. UMBC.

McFadden, J. & Franks, L. (2024). Voices from the Margins: Experiences of Students of Color. Presented at the Association of Faculties for the Advancement of Community College Teaching 34th Annual Conference.

McFadden, J. & Franks, L. (2023). Beyond the Margins: Experiences of Students of Color Here at Wor-Wic. In-house Professional Development Offering. Wor-Wic Community College.

McFadden, J., McKeen, S., Dashiell, N., & Gordon, R. (2023). Engaging Race & Ethnicity in the ELA Classroom. Participated as one presentation in a Colloquium presented by the Fulton Public Humanities at Salisbury University.

McFadden, J. (2023). Reading & Writing from the Margins: An Exploration of the Experiences of Developmental Students of Color in a Community College Context. Presented at The National Council of Teachers of English Assembly of Research Annual Meeting, University of California, Davis.

Jones, B. & McFadden, J. (2022). Writing assignments: Maximizing Learning and Minimizing Pain. Presented at Faculty Professional Development Day 2022, Wor-Wic Community College.

Weber, M.; Houston, L.; McFadden, J. & Jett-Parmer, J. (2022). The Changing Climate of Higher Education. Presented online via the College of Teaching and Learning Science, University of Maryland Baltimore County.

McFadden, J. (2018). Composing Practices of Multiracial Emergent Adult College Students: Expressions of Identity. Presented at the National Council of Teachers of English Assembly of Research 2018 Annual Conference, Towson University.

McFadden, J. (2018). Using Creative Analytic Processes to Break Down the Binary: Exploring Multiraciality through Multiple Modes of Story. Presented at the 14th International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, University of Illinois at Urbana, Champaign.

Andes., L., & McFadden, J. (2017). Early Literacy Texts: What Can They Tell Us? Presented at the Fifteenth International Conference on Books, Publishing, & Libraries, Imperial College London, London, U.K.

Franzak, J., Craddock, C., Harned, C., McFadden, J., & Porter, H. (2015) Reading capital and rural literacies. Presented at International Federation for Teaching of English/Conference on English Education 2015 Summer Conference, New York, NY.

Pope, A., McFadden, J., & Swiderski, M. (2015). Using Civic Engagement to Cultivate 21st Century Civil Society in a University Setting. Presented at the Middle States Council for the Social Studies Regional Conference, Gettysburg, PA.


Scholarly and creative writing

How students’ identities impact the way they experience learning, particularly learning in the writing classroom

Diversity & equity in teaching and learning

Spending time with my family and friends

The beach

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