B.S., Salisbury University
M.S., Salisbury University
Work Experience
Wor-Wic Community College Instructor of Biological Sciences
Salisbury University Teaching Assistant of Anatomy and Physiology I
Johns Hopkins University Laboratory Technologist in Cutaneous Nerve Lab
Bachran, K. M., Ransom, T. S., and Liebgold, E. B. 2024. Evaluating the relationship between injuries and home-range size in the endangered spotted turtle (Clemmys guttata). Northeastern Naturalist, 31(Special Issue 12):C32-C42.
Selfridge, J. A., Bachran, K. M., McElveen, D., Robbins, R. K. and Ransom T. 2019. Pupation sites and conservation of frosted elfins (Lycaenidae) in Maryland, USA. The Journal of the Lepidopterists’ Society, 73(2):87-92.