The purchasing department strives to acquire goods and services for the college at the right price, at the right time and from the right source, consistent with applicable laws, regulations and policies. We are committed to ensuring transparency and equal procurement opportunity. The purchasing department coordinates the purchase of all goods and services for the college’s operations. Other departments or employees are not authorized to enter into contracts or in any way obligate the college for procurement indebtedness without a purchase order.
Wor-Wic advertises all solicitations for goods and services valued at more than $50,000 on eMaryland Marketplace, the electronic commerce system administered by the Maryland Department of General Services. Vendors should visit the eMaryland Marketplace Advantage website or call 410-767-1492 to register; there is no fee.
Please email the director of purchasing and auxiliary services to confirm your receipt of solicitations and addenda. Provide company name, address and phone number in the email.
The procurement of supplies, equipment and services necessary for the operation of the college has been delegated to the purchasing office as the department authorized to make commitments against college accounts for these purposes.
The director of purchasing and auxiliary services is charged with the responsibility of conducting the purchasing function so as to obtain the greatest benefit for the college, and to do this in accordance with legal and ethical practices of the purchasing profession. The office is organized to serve and facilitate the objectives of the college, to make commitments in a consistent and orderly fashion and to foster a high level of public relations within the college and with college vendors.
All college purchases of more than $5,000 require a minimum of three written quotations. All college purchases of more than $50,000 require a formal bid if no state contract or cooperative contract already exists. Bid opportunities are advertised on eMaryland Marketplace, the electronic commerce system administered by the Maryland Department of General Services. Vendors should visit the eMaryland Marketplace website or call 410-767-1492 to register; there is no fee.
Wor-Wic Community College is exempt from federal excise and Maryland sales and use tax. A tax exemption certificate is available upon request.