Wor-Wic is a state-approved two-year college. It is accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education, 1007 N. Orange St., 4th Floor, MB #166, Wilmington, DE 19801, phone 267-284-5011. The Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE) is an institutional accrediting agency recognized by the U.S. Secretary of Education and the Council for Higher Education Accreditation.
In 2023, the college began the self-study process toward reaffirmation of accreditation. Divided into eight working groups, employees from all areas of the college identified and analyzed evidence to show how Wor-Wic meets MSCHE standards and requirements of affiliation as well as federal compliance criteria. The work of the teams became a draft report, submitted by the evaluation team chair in fall of 2024. The final self-study report and all evidence was submitted in February 2025 to be reviewed by the evaluation team which will visit the campus March 30 – April 2, 2025.
The 2025 self-study report is available for public viewing. Any questions or comments about the draft, the self-study process or accreditation can be sent to selfstudyfeedback@worwic.edu.
The Maryland Higher Education Commission (MHEC) is the state’s higher education regulatory and coordinating board responsible for establishing policies for Maryland public and private colleges and universities. Complaints involving alleged violations of the Education Article or the Code of Maryland Regulations (COMAR) Title 13B Maryland Higher Education Commission, may be submitted to MHEC. Should a student have a complaint not resolved through the institutional complaint/grievance processes, students may submit a concern directly to MHEC.
Specialized Accreditations
Several Wor-Wic programs and services have specialized accreditations to demonstrate quality and represent to employers that graduates received a quality education in the field. Specialized accreditations are explained on specific academic program or service pages, and can be accessed through the following links: