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News Release

Dual enrollment information night

Dual enrollment information night

A free dual enrollment information session for parents of current high school sophomores and juniors will be held on Wednesday, Feb. 20, at 6 p.m., in Guerrieri Hall at Wor-Wic Community College in Salisbury. High school sophomores and juniors are also invited to attend.

Presentations will be given by a former dual enrollment student and parent. Wor-Wic employees will provide information about how high school students can earn college credits while they are juniors and seniors in high school. Participants will have the opportunity to start the enrollment process and go on a campus tour.

“Wor-Wic’s dual enrollment program is an excellent opportunity for high school students to begin their college education early at a highly-reduced cost,” said Bryan Newton, vice president for enrollment management and student services at Wor-Wic. “Students can start early on their college education, save thousands of dollars on college costs and begin to learn how to succeed in a college setting.”

Visit to RSVP, or contact Richard C. Webster at or 410-334-2896 for more information.

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