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In celebration of African-American history month, Dr. Clara Small and Rev. David Briddell will give a presentation called “African Americans in the Civil War” on Thursday, Feb. 3, at 7 p.m., in Guerrieri Hall at Wor-Wic Community College in Salisbury.

Small, a professor of history at Salisbury University, and Briddell, a retired executive of the National Council of Churches, will discuss the book they co-authored called “Men of Color, to Arms! Manumitted Slaves and Freed Blacks from the Lower Eastern Shore of Maryland Who Served in the Civil War.” The book is a compilation of research about slaves and freed blacks from the area who enlisted to fight in the Civil War, including the names and detailed information about 1,284 soldiers.

This event is sponsored by Wor-Wic’s cultural diversity committee.

For more information, call (410) 572-8711.

Small And Briddell.

Dr. Clara Small and Rev. David Briddell co-authored a book called “Men of Color, to Arms! Manumitted Slaves and Freed Blacks from the Lower Eastern Shore of Maryland Who Served in the Civil War.” (Photo courtesy of Brice Stump and the Daily Times)