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Wor-Wic Community College recently received an Award for Energy Stewardship from Energy Education, a national company that develops customized behavior-based energy conservation programs, for implementing a new energy management process that resulted in a reduction of the college’s energy usage and costs.

Since entering into a partnership with Energy Education 15 months ago, Wor-Wic reduced energy consumption by about 18 percent and saved about $217,000 in energy costs. In addition, the college has saved 8,447 MMBTU, which is the equivalent of 920 metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions being prevented, 165 cars removed from the road or 23,529 pine trees grown for 10 years.

In presenting the award, Dr. Allan Gorsuch, marketing consultant for Energy Education, said: “It does speak to the impact you’ve had on the environment here at Wor-Wic, a small campus doing very great things for our environment here on the Lower Shore. I congratulate you.”

“The participation of virtually every employee has added to our continued success with this new program,” said Dr. Ray Hoy, president of Wor-Wic. “In addition to reducing the college’s energy consumption, Wor-Wic saved on energy costs, which allows us to redirect the dollars that would have been spent on energy to other priorities.”

The energy conservation program at Wor-Wic involves preserving comfortable environments during class and scheduled activities while saving on costs associated with using electricity and natural gas. Energy-saving practices include making sure that energy is not wasted in classrooms, offices, hallways and kitchens, and that heating and air conditioning systems are running optimally. To ensure progress, periodic energy audits are conducted to track and analyze the college’s energy consumption patterns, and to identify and correct areas that need improvement. In addition, employees are encouraged to practice smart energy strategies and use energy wisely.

Energy Award.

Dr. Allan Gorsuch, marketing consultant for Energy Education, from left, presents an Award for Energy Stewardship to Mark V. Rudnick, vice president for administrative services at Wor-Wic Community College, and Dr. Ray Hoy, president of Wor-Wic. The award was received as a result of the college’s success with the implementation of a new energy management process that resulted in a reduction of the college’s energy usage and costs.