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News Release

Dessert Theater Scheduled at Wor-Wic

The public is invited to “Dessert Theater 2012” on Friday and Saturday, March 16 and 17, at 7:30 p.m., in Guerrieri Hall at Wor-Wic Community College on the corner of Route 50 and Walston Switch Road in Salisbury.

The theme, “Remember When….,” was chosen because this year’s dessert theater is a trip down memory lane. Each of the eight one-act plays that will be performed by students, employees and community members is from a past dessert theater.

The featured plays to be performed during the first half of the production include “The Cell Phone Rings for Thee” written by Werner Trieschmann, “Interview Job” written by Jerry DiCairano, “While Shakespeare Slept” written by Tim Kelly and “Playwriting 101: The Rooftop Lesson” written by Rich Orloff.

Desserts, catered by Wor-Wic’s culinary arts students, will be served during intermission.

Plays that will be featured during the second half of the show include “Wish List” written by Charlie Shanian and Shari Simpson, “Spaghetti Proposal” written by Seth Kramer, “Once Upon a Time” written by Charlie Shanian and Shari Simpson, and “A Candle on the Table” written by Patricia Clapp.

Tickets, which are $12.50 per person, are available in the college bookstore. For more information, call (410) 334-2802.

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