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Title IX Sexual Assault and Discrimination

We value and respect all individuals, and promote a work and academic environment free from discrimination and harassment.

Wor-Wic Community College is committed to promoting a work and academic environment free from discrimination, harassment and sexual misconduct, and to providing programs, activities and an educational environment in which all individuals are valued, respected and safe.

The college prohibits all forms of discrimination, including discriminatory harassment and sexual harassment. Examples include, but are not limited to:

  • Dating violence
  • Domestic violence
  • Requests or pressure for sexual activity
  • Sexual acts perpetrated against a person’s will
  • Sexual assault
  • Stalking
  • Unwelcome verbal or physical conduct based on a protected class that is so objectively offensive as to alter the conditions of the victim’s employment or education
  • Unwelcome sexual advances or other harassing verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature that affects the terms or conditions of one’s employment or denies or limits a student’s ability to participate in or benefit from a school’s educational program.

No individual who files a complaint or cooperates with a college investigation can be subject to retaliation, including any adverse employment or educational consequence.

Reports of alleged discrimination, harassment or sexual misconduct can be submitted, in writing or verbally, to any supervisor or Title VI/IX coordinator. Complaints of sexual violence should also be called into the college public safety department at 410-334-2937. Wor-Wic complies with new Title IX regulations approved by the Department of Education on August 14, 2020.

The college’s discrimination and harassment and sexual misconduct policies apply to students, employees, visitors and third party vendors who are hired by the college. The policies cover any prohibited conduct that occurs on campus or off-campus when conducting college business or is circulated at or from the college, during college operating hours or using college equipment, via email, phone, voice mail, text messages, tweets, blog posts, social networking sites or other means.

Review the Discrimination and Harassment Policy

Review the Sexual Misconduct Policy and Sexual Misconduct Procedures

It’s our goal to create a supportive climate that encourages victims/survivors of discrimination, harassment or sexual misconduct to report an incident that violates our discrimination and harassment policy. The most direct way to file a complaint is by contacting a Title VI/IX coordinator:

However, if that option is not available, you can file a complaint of alleged discrimination or harassment in writing or verbally to any college supervisor, who will then contact a Title VI/IX coordinator for you.

Wor-Wic prohibits acts of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, stalking and all other sex-related offenses. If this happened to you while attending or working at Wor-Wic, you are encouraged to report the incident to a college public safety officer at 410-334-2937. He or she will walk you through your options and connect you to appropriate resources.

There are trained professionals who provide counseling, information and support in a confidential setting, both on and off campus. These confidential resources will not share information about an individual without the express permission of that person, unless there is a continuing threat of serious harm or a legal obligation to reveal such information (e.g., suspected abuse or neglect of a minor). These professionals are also available to help individuals make a report to the college.

  • Anyone can contact the Life Crisis Center at 410-749-HELP (4357).
  • Students can contact Wor-Wic’s counseling department at 410-334-2897.
  • Employees can contact the Employee Assistance Program at 800-327-2251. They will provide up to five free counseling sessions and link you to providers for additional care.

When seeking support, persons who are concerned about confidentiality should discuss their concerns with the person with whom they are speaking before they talk about what happened. Unless there is an imminent threat to health or safety, or other basis for disclosure pursuant to federal, state or local law, confidentiality applies when persons are seeking services from the resources listed above.